Monday, May 31, 2010

Open your hearts to the Light

The consciousness of mankind is being prepared for great leaps and discoveries in a gentle way wherever possible.... God is giving man a great chance. Many Divine persons are here. We are showing man a way out; we are offering him the divine Light, the Divine Knowledge. We are bringing down into the consciousness of the Earth the Divine Consciousness. ~ Mother Meera

The whole purpose of my work is in the calling down of the Paramatman Light and in helping people. For this I came - to open your hearts to the Light. ~ Mother Meera


Mother Meera. (2008). Mother Meera Darshan. Retrieved May 31, 2010, from

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Sacred Work

Greetings Embodiments of Love,

I am Sister Lucia.

I have been ordained by The One whom You Seek to do a sacred work for Him/Her.

My path is aligned with the Divine Mother. When I am immersed in the Presence of The One whom You Seek, our mystical union manifests a Gift of the Holy Spirit. These eyes shed the tears of the Divine Mother. Sometimes these tears come as being damp; sometimes these tears come as being oily.

This holy gift is directly from the Divine Mother to you. I am merely Her instrument. The Mother's tears are dabbed from these eyes, so that you may be the recipient of their sacred healing power.

The time has come within the Divine Plan for your Hearts to be made whole. Gone are the days for wallowing in darkness. Now is the time to move into the Light of Paradise. The Way is through the Heart. Thus, the imperative for healing the Heart of each Embodiment of Love is upon us. With this healing, comes the opening of the Heart. It is through the connection to and the opening of the Heart that you are reunited with The One whom You Seek. Your Heart is the Open Door through which His/Her Unconditional Love flows.

You are invited to receive your Mother's gift. Send your request, including your postal address, to my email: Remember, these holy tears are a Gift from the Divine Mother and must never be bought or sold. This Gift should be treated at all times as a Holy Sacrement.

When you receive your gift, hold it over your heart as you pray and/or meditate. The Mother will know your intent, and She will shower Her Grace upon you.

Embodiments of Love, you are invited to share your sacred experiences here, so that others who are not yet believers can develop their faith and receive their blessings. This is the act of service that is asked of you.

Blessings, Dear Ones.

In love and service to The One whom You Seek,
I am Sister Lucia

I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will heal you.
2 Kings 20:5

There is a light that shines beyond all things on Earth, beyond us all, beyond the heaven, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in our heart.
Chandogya Upanishad